How to format a main menu?
The choice of main menu location and submenus is very important for the entire layout of the website.
Step 1: Choose position of your main menu
- HORIZONTAL - templates: messy or default
- VERTICAL - templates: messy, white or mashup
To choose your template go to design > template
Step 2: Decide if you will have a submenu
Opened submenu is possible for all templates, but hidden submenu (opens when main menu item is chosen) is possible only for default and messy with enabled responsive design
Step 3: Font formatting of a menu
Menu and submenu can be formatted differently from the rest of the content; font, font size, line height, colour and decoration. Go to design > main menu.
Step 4: Formatting of a submenu
Go to design > submenu. In a similar fashion, you customize submenu formatting. In addition, it is possible to define indent vertically or horizontally with Position X and Position Y. If you want to close your submenu, select No next to "Submenu is always open". If you hide your submenu, it is not visible to the public.
Step 5: Formatting menu layout
Go to design > page layout. If responsive layout selected, the main menu collapses in mobile view. Menu items can be aligned to the left or centered in a responsive layout. You may customize spacing around each menu item.